Developing appropriate production packages for sustainable agriculture
- Producing quality seeds to meet the demand of farmers in Guyana.
- Operationalizing of the seed technology laboratory.
- Enhancement of staff through national and international capacity-building courses.

- To develop quality seeds of locally adapted varieties.
- To breed seeds for tolerance to adverse conditions such as drought, marginal soils, and soil acidity.
- To develop appropriate production packages for sustainable agriculture.
- To conserve the germplasm of important crops.
- Fertilizer trial and varietal evaluation to increase production of carrot (Daucuscarota L.) varieties (new Kuroda and Danvers) in open field conditions.
- Evaluation of “banana sweet pepper” using different fertilizer regimes under shaded cultivation.
- Evaluation of jalapeno jumbo sweet pepper to different fertilizer rates under shaded cultivation.
- Demonstrate the use of mulching and drip irrigation to increase the production and productivity of hot pepper.
- Interventions to improve the methods of propagation of breadfruit.
- Varietal evaluation of two varieties of watermelon (Grey Bell and Sangria)
- The use of sprinkler irrigation for improved production in sweet potato.
- The growth and yield of different cauliflower and broccoli varieties under shaded conditions.
- Revitalization of the coconut industry through increased production and productivity of coconut, by adopting both short and long-term sustainable practices.
- Characterization and mapping of coconut plantation in Guyana.
- Demonstration of good agronomic practices for coconut farms/plantations/groves in Guyana.
The department provides the following services: breeding; developing production packages; multiplying basic seeds; and collecting, characterizing, and conserving plant genetic resources (germplasm).
Laboratory services
- germination test
- moisture test
- purity tests
Training services
- Sensitizes and informs students, farmers, extension officers/agents, and other stakeholders on new and developing technologies.